All kits require wheels, motor and gears to complete unless stated otherwise.
Class 205 2H Thumper2 car Hampshire units.
The Class 205 is the first of a range of high quality Southern Region multiple units. All class 205 kits comprise of a fully etched brass body and underframe complete with full cab interior and all partitions. There are ½-etched holes on the inside of the body shell for the high intensity headlight and window bars if required. Fully detailed bogies for the DMBS are included as are Wayoh bogies for the trailer cars. The power bogie is designed to use a Mashima 1833 motor with 2 gears sets driving both axles. Please note: the photos of the 2H 3H Hampshire unit are of the prototype body this shows raised window frames that will not be on the production models. Class 205 2H, 2 car Hampshire unit, £420.00 Wheels, gears & Motor, (1 powered bogie), £120.00 |
Class 220 VoyagerClass 220 Voyager 4 car unit as operated by Virgin Cross Country
Voyagers power bogies require a Mashima 1833 and 2 gears sets, it is possible to power 1 bogie from every coach although 2 bogie per unit should suffice. Nameplates available, please contact me for more details. Class 220 Voyager, 4 car, NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE Gears & Motors, (2 powered bogies), Nameplates, Voyager, £3.60 AVAILABLE FOR ORDER ONLY |
Class 221 Super VoyagerClass 221 Voyager 5 car unit as operated by Virgin Cross Country
5 car variant of the Voyager. Nameplates available, please contact me for more details. Class 221 Super Voyager, 5 Car unit NOT CURRENTLY AVAILABLE Gears & Motors, (2 powered bogies), Nameplates, Super Voyager, £4.80 Purchaser will need to source Mashima 1833 Motor/s or equivalent AVAILABLE FOR ORDER ONLY |